Bay Area Osteopathic Study Group (BAOSG) Course

Date: Saturday, November 17, 2018

Location: Tomales Town Hall 27150 Maine St., Tomales, CA

Course Description: This course is designed for those with interest in the Biodynamic approach to Osteopathy in the Cranial Field as developed by James Jealous D.O. We welcome DO’s, MD’s and dentists, U.S. and international. Please contact us if you haven’t taken our courses before. We will review key concepts and explore Zone C, the space of service, as a therapeutic fulcrum. Our main goal is to rekindle and broaden interest in the biodynamic osteopathic approach to treatment. Hope to see you there!

Registration: Cost for the course $100, which includes lunch and the traditional snack table. Registration can be found at

Course Directors: Belinda Burnside, MHSc (Osteo-Australia) Jeffrey Etemad, DO

Faculty: Daniel Allen, DO Susan Boudakian, DO Dawn Brown, DO Carmen Hering, DO Carmine Van Deven, DO

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